Friday, March 20, 2020

Genderlect Styles Essays

Genderlect Styles Essays Genderlect Styles Paper Genderlect Styles Paper Deborah Tannen once quote â€Å"saying that men talk about baseball in order to avoid talking about their feelings is the same way women talk about their feelings in order to avoid talking about baseball†. From here, it shows that men and women have their own culture of communication and its different from each other. She mentioned it as cross-cultural communication between this two gender. Its not about words which comes out from their mouth, its about their manners presented in their conversations, although their speaking in the same language but it also can lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation between both sexes. This is because both gender have their own criteria in presenting or having conversations, in other words each gender have their own style in having conversation to each other. Basically, Genderlect styles theory which are developed by Deborah Tannen in the book of You just dont understand distinguishing between how women and men speak in different language and styles(genderlect styles). From my point of view, this theory seems to be relevance to communication study where by we can study more emphasize how male and female have their conversations, what topic would male and female more interested and what they mean to when a contradicting actions, words or hint that they made? This will allow us to understand the speciality of different gender of homo sapiens and will help us in avoiding such arguments created from misinterpretation and misunderstanding to happen. : On the other hand, we will produced a satisfaction either to male or female when we understand the way they communicate and finally we will be aware in creating topics to communicate in order to produce a nice and better conversation. According to Tannen, as i mentioned earlier usually we are not aware of this differences between this two gender. Where women are more into serious conversation which will deeply affected human relationship. They tend not to use harsh language and this is because they have feminine sex roles such as soft spoken and eager to soothe feelings. While men style of talking, they couldnt stick to one serious topic of conversations. Men usually have ego in them whereby they tend to defense their own beliefs and willing to take a stand for it. They also prioritize their status in term of power and influences. From this differences, the word cross-cultural communication happen between them. I would agree in this, but in the point where we view it in public conversation. Men tend to hide personal things while women mostly share their personal view and thoughts as a conversation topic. This premises rarely apply when we view in a more personal and privacy conversations, men will start to change their style and this is because less exposure to other people but women are less in controlling the label of feminine sex in this situation. Tannen also mentioned that â€Å"for most women; the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport, it is a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. On the other hand, Tannen refers to conversation for most men as a â€Å"primary means to preserve independence, and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchical social order†. This statement can be related back to Tannens reference to status and connection as the primary goal driving men and women’s conversation styles. My second critique is that men tend to talk about logical and rational topic to have in conversation while women prefer talking related to feelings and their heart. When this kind of talk overlap each other, it will provide a heat argument where both sexes will maintain their interest. In the case of telling story referring to Tennans theory, men tell more stories than women. This is because to grab attention such as jokes or playing as a hero or main character in the conversation contrast to women where they likely to downplay their self. This also mean that men always tried to show that they are independence in going through obstacles different from women who needs support. But it seems to me in reality, women most likely to talk a lot more compare to men. I would agree on where men always to show that their are independence, this is because to remain in the position of having a masculine sex and protective characteristics while for me, women nowadays tend to show that they can stand at their own feet who need less support to be in the same level as men. From Tannen point of view, she view that men usually not being a good listener, to replace that position men tend to speak out suggestion and conclusions to problems that being told to them where by women do not seek for the answer and only need a way or place to let out the places. This seems to be misunderstand and wrong expectation by women and men most of the time. Men think that by providing conclusions, it will lessened the problem being face by women; intentionally helpful for them but then its vice versa from the women points of view. I agree that Tannes right that we have to understand this cross-cultural communication to avoid this issues. In order to balance up, this also have an advantage if men doing the process of giving conclusions, at least not solving the problem but will inform the speaker(women) that they(men) understand what they are trying to say. From that, like always mentioned indirectly they are being a giant ears. Here comes a contrast from the way men and women style of listening. For Tannen, women usually support their sigh of agreement or sign that they are listening with head nods or reaction such as yeah,uh-huh and etc. When they did this, it shows that they are concentrating on the confession of the speaker but in mens view, they prefer to remain silent while the speaker talk as showing sign of concentration because for them sign perform by women are an interruption to the conversations. When this happen, a regular misunderstanding will be produce. Thus will lead to arguments between men and women. In order to avoid this, men and women have to understand each other of way of listening and balance the reaction done according to how the situation are. Other than that, Tannen also involve the way men and women use the purpose of asking question in different ways. She mentioned that men most likely not to ask question because they view it as a threat to their status and image. When they asked question, it shows that they are not superior enough to be a men in front of the public while women use it as means of equalizing and creating connections. She said that women always tag their opinions with a question at the end to avoid for the potential disagreement which might drive people apart to occur. For example â€Å"would you like to stop by and have a drink? †, original intention of women when they ask this is that they wanted to stop by but when men directly said that â€Å"no, i dont†, it will reate a non satisfaction conversation. For me, this is because men are too direct when their being asked while women always look foward for a good response to receive. Its not that they care about their status and image, most of the time men will give a simple answer for a simple question while women are expecting a comfortable answer from a simple question. She also touch regarding conflict. For her, men are more comfortable with conflicts where they took it as a competition or contest to gain victory where women aim to avoid conflict between them. I would not agree with this, it doesnt sounds plausible to me, i found that most of the conflict occur are created from women. This is because they are more sensitive than men which consider little things as an affective tools to be argue while men will ignore simple things which will lead to arguments and prioritize more important matter to argue at. The purpose of this theory is for we to understand the characteristics in men and women to avoid worse argument and huge disagreements created from the differences. It also make us realized that the fault occur in both sexes- male and female whereby it happen in both gender. By understanding this differences and consequences that might happen, although we will not create a Utopia but at least we will have a better understanding towards each other as homo sapiens who use communication to develop ideas, form a suggestion and expressing confession. In addition to my critique above, Tannes theory are more concentrating on the differences between those two gender but she did not concern about why and how this differences occur. Is it men and women naturally determine to be that way? or maybe social influences structured them? This is more important where by, we will know the reason of this differences to occur and we will suggest a better suggestion on how to deal with the differences. The points that i disagree where Tennan seems to be more bias to women. This was shown where women provide a good and acceptable characteristic suits with their feminine sex while men seems to have more crucial characteristics and sounds unacceptable which need to change. It shows from her statement here men prioritize status rather than their relation. For me, it depends on the individual itself where this theory should not be generalized to all men and women. Although this theory is easy to apply since she provide with simple explanation, but women or men will start to stereotypical each other from the way they communicate. To sum up this critiques, I think Tennans theories does help us in solving in defining the difference between male-female communication styles but for me it is not valid when comes to conflict in relationships it takes more than that. By understanding this, it will decreases the chances for having an argument on such matters. After learning this theory, i also realized that it is very helpful in the study of communication because it consist of most relations that we will encounter in our life which are heterosexual. This theory are very useful in our everyday life especially to understand personal relationship although its not more applicable to public speaking. It do increases our awareness in treating our partner with our understanding towards their interest and their behavior.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

9 causas para perder la ciudadanía de Estados Unidos

9 causas para perder la ciudadanà ­a de Estados Unidos Los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos pueden perder su condicià ³n de estadounidenses si realizan determinadas acciones que llevan aparejada como consecuencia la pà ©rdida de la nacionalidad. Esto aplica tanto a los ciudadanos que adquirieron su condicià ³n en el momento del nacimiento como a los que la obtuvieron posteriormente, incluido el trmite que se conoce como naturalizacià ³n, por el que los residentes permanentes legales se convierten en ciudadanos. Puntos clave: pà ©rdida de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense Son raros los casos de retirada de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense. La ley tiene previstos nueve casos en los que puede darse pero todos ellos requieren que se trate de un acto voluntario y consciente.Una situacià ³n diferente son los casos de desnaturalizacià ³n por fraude, que se han incrementado en los à ºltimos aà ±os. Se est quitando la ciudadanà ­a a personas que mintieron en las aplicaciones de naturalizacià ³n, obtencià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia o las que cometieron un delito antes de naturalizarse y no revelaron este problema en la aplicacià ³n. 9 acciones que, en teorà ­a, podrà ­an provocar la pà ©rdida de la ciudadanà ­a de los Estados Unidos Segà ºn la Seccià ³n 359 de la Ley de Inmigracià ³n y Nacionalidad (INA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), en la actualidad un estadounidense solamente podrà ­a verse privado de su ciudadanà ­a cuando se dan una de las circunstancias siguientes: Prestar juramento o declaracià ³n formal  de lealtad a otro paà ­s despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os.Obtener la nacionalidad de otro paà ­s de forma voluntaria y por peticià ³n propia despuà ©s de haber cumplido los 18 aà ±os de edad.  Servir en cualquier categorà ­a en un Ejà ©rcito extranjero hostil hacia Estados UnidosServir como oficial comisionado o no comisionado en el Ejà ©rcito de otro paà ­sServir como soldado en un Ejà ©rcito no hostil hacia Estados UnidosTrabajar para un gobierno extranjero despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os Renunciar voluntaria y formalmente a la ciudadanà ­a como hicieron estos 10 famosos. Sentencia firme condenatoria por traicià ³n a los Estados UnidosCondena firme por intentar derrocar el gobierno de los Estados Unidos En el caso de trabajar para gobierno extranjero es necesario que adems, se dà © una de las siguientes circunstancias: poseer tambià ©n la nacionalidad del paà ­s de dicho gobierno , es decir, debe darse un caso de doble nacionalidad prestar algà ºn tipo de juramento o promesa como condicià ³n para acceder a ese puesto de trabajo. Por otro lado, en el caso de renuncia voluntaria a la nacionalidad estadounidense, si se est fuera de los Estados Unidos la declaracià ³n debe hacerse en una embajada o consulado de USA. Por el contrario, si la persona que desea renunciar se encuentra dentro del paà ­s deber contactar con el Departamento de Seguridad Interna. Sin embargo, no siempre que se produzca uno de estos hechos se pierde la nacionalidad. Ya que por ley es necesario que concurran obligatoriamente dos requisitos siguientes: que el acto sea voluntarioque el acto se realice con la intencià ³n de abandonar la condicià ³n de ciudadano. Y es que en  Afroyim v. Rusk, una sentencia de  1967 la Corte Suprema reconoce que un ciudadano americano tiene un derecho constitucional a permanecer siendo ciudadano, a menos que voluntariamente renuncie a la nacionalidad. Y en 1980 con la sentencia  Vance v. Terrace,  la Corte establecià ³ que tal renuncia se puede hacer mediante una declaracià ³n o mediante accià ³n. Es fcil determinar que el acto es voluntario. Lo que no es tan claro es determinar cundo existe la intencià ³n de realmente dejar de ser estadounidense. Para esto aplica la norma de las presunciones y a continuacià ³n se explica cà ³mo se debe entender. Cundo el gobierno de EE.UU. entiende que hay intencià ³n de renunciar a la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense Adems, de obviamente, cuando se renuncia formalmente a la ciudadanà ­a, se pierde, las autoridades consideran que hay intencià ³n de dejar de ser estadounidense cuando: Se sirve en cualquier posicià ³n en un Ejà ©rcito en hostilidades contra los Estados UnidosCuando hay una condena por traicià ³n o por intentar derrocar al gobiernoCuando se sirve a un gobierno extranjero en una posicià ³n polà ­tica En estos tres casos, los oficiales consulares investigarn  si efectivamente se da la intencià ³n de abandonar la ciudadanà ­a, como en principio se presume. Y en base a dicha investigacià ³n, resolvern. Cundo el gobierno entiende que NO hay intencià ³n de renunciar Existe una premisa administrativa que considera que se tiene la intencià ³n de seguir siendo estadounidense en todos los dems casos no previstos en el caso anterior. Es decir, cuando se presta alianza a otro paà ­s, se adquiere su nacionalidad, se presta servicio en un Ejà ©rcito extranjero no hostil o se acepta un trabajo para otro gobierno a nivel no polà ­tico.   La persona que realiza cualquiera de las cuatro actividades arriba mencionadas no necesita pedir permiso antes de hacerlas ni tampoco notificar a ninguna autoridad americana su intencià ³n de seguir siendo estadounidense, ya que eso es lo que se presume. Pero es posible que cuando pida la renovacià ³n del pasaporte americano o solicite registrarse para votar o cualquier otra actividad reservada a ciudadanos un oficial consular le pregunte si al realizar una de las cuatro acciones antes seà ±aladas deseaba renunciar a la nacionalidad estadounidense. Bastar con contestar â€Å"no† para seguir siendo americano. Sin embargo, en el pasado no era asà ­ y muchos ciudadanos perdieron su nacionalidad. En estos casos podrà ­a ser posible recuperarla. Casos de desnaturalizacià ³n por fraude Entre 1990 y 2017 hubo un total de 305 desnaturalizaciones, es decir, 11 casos por aà ±o en los que se le quità ³ la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense a personas que la habà ­an adquirido por medio de la naturalizacià ³n. Pero desde ese aà ±o las desnaturalizaciones han incrementado y el gobierno reconoce que en la actualidad hay aproximadamente unos 2.500 casos siendo investigados. Adems, en el presupuesto del aà ±o fiscal 2019 hay destinados a ICE 207 millones para investigar posibles casos de desnaturalizacià ³n y que le permiten contratar a abogados e investigadores para intentar encontrar casos en los que el ciudadano naturalizado cometià ³ fraude, es decir, mintià ³, en el proceso de naturalizacià ³n u obtencià ³n de la green card. Adems, se buscan particularmente casos en los que el ahora ciudadano cometià ³ alguna felonà ­a antes de adquirir la ciudadanà ­a y no lo reportà ³. Especialmente, los investigadores estn interesados en los casos de personas que recibieron una orden de deportacià ³n pero se quedaron en el paà ­s y, posteriormente, adquirieron la ciudadanà ­a bajo otro nombre. Esto es posible porque se estn investigando huellas digitales de los aà ±os 90 y anteriores que no estaban digitalizadas y se estn comparando con los expedientes de naturalizacià ³n. Consecuencias de la pà ©rdida de la ciudadanà ­a  de EE.UU. Se dejan de tener todos los privilegios, derechos y libertades propios de ser estadounidense Adems, a partir de ese momento se deber solicitar una visa para entrar a Estados Unidos, a menos que la persona sea titular de un pasaporte que le permita entrar como turista bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Si careciese de otro pasaporte, la persona que voluntariamente deja de ser estadounidense se considera que es aptrida y carece de la proteccià ³n de ningà ºn estado. En todo caso, la renuncia no evitar que esa persona sea sometida a juicio por posibles delitos que haya cometido en EE.UU.. Asimismo, continà ºa estando obligada a hacer frente a las obligaciones financieras que haya contraà ­do en EE.UU. y a las militares, si las tuviera. Por à ºltimo, dejar de ser americano no supone el fin automtico de la relacià ³n con los impuestos americanos, ya que habr que seguir cumpliendo esta obligacià ³n por 10 aà ±os. Se aconseja consultar con el IRS para asegurarse de cules son las obligaciones pendientes en materia de tasas. La renuncia a la nacionalidad americana es definitiva. Es decir, una vez realizada no hay vuelta atrs. La à ºnica excepcià ³n es plantear una demanda administrativa o judicial y ganarla. Y en el caso de las personas que dejaron de ser americanas motu proprio cuando eran menores de edad, debern notificar al Departamento de Estado que desean volver a ser estadounidenses dentro de los seis meses siguientes a haber cumplido los 18 aà ±os. Como es un acto de grandes consecuencias, antes de llevarlo a cabo es recomendable consular sobre el proceso para entender todos sus aspectos. Las dudas se atienden en la Oficina de Asuntos Consulares del DoS en Washington, llamando al 1-202-736-9110 o enviando un correo electrà ³nico a Derechos y obligaciones de los estadounidenses en el exterior Los ciudadanos tienen obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos, aunque residan habitualmente en otro paà ­s. Pero tambià ©n tienen derechos, como en determinados casos transmitir la ciudadanà ­a a sus hijos, recibir el pago del cheque del seguro social o votar en las elecciones para Presidente registrndose en el à ºltimo estado en el que se residià ³. Si han formado una familia y desean regresar a Estados Unidos, podrn solicitar los papeles por matrimonio para su cà ³nyuge, si bien pueden existir obstculos que deben ser tenidos en cuenta. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.